Welcome to the ramblings of a pre-published saga writer

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Hey Ho. Doesn't time fly when your writing a book?
It's been about three months since I sent my offering, The Legacy, to the H.B. comp and the deadline is Nov 30th so I'm not sure if I should stop worrying or start worrying on Dec 1st. No matter, I am still writing the bugger!!!!

It's romping along at a cracking pace - I've already written it once and am doing it again (second draft) but I've ripped a lot of the first draft out of it so the second draft will be like a separate book altogether.

I'm not sure how other writers work but I like to plot and plot and plot....And then plot some more. Am I a control freak????

Maybe I just like to know where I'm going as I often think on my feet and one good twist triggers another. If I don't plot I fear I'll go down a lot of dark alleys and waste time. Some writers, I know, prefer to work that way to find out what happens next but I like to know where I'm going.
Anyway, if there's anybody out there, I hope to be back soon.

Wish me luck with the Harry Bowling comp and I'll love you forever!!!!

love Sheila

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