Welcome to the ramblings of a pre-published saga writer

Friday 9 April 2010

Ladies Day

It's that time of year again when the the glad rags and the fancy shoes come out - yes it's Ladies Day at Aintree and it's champagne breakfasts all 'round. The limmos and Rolls(as in Royces) are purring and ready to go - not that I'll be travelliong in one, I don't live far enough to warrent the expense.

 It's more than a day at the races, though. It's a chance for the ladies of the land to get dolled up and have a ball. And, at the end of it the sight of hobbling heroines is enough to make your eyes water, so the ballet pumps, saved in a little poly bag, will replace the stillettoes as taxis are being sought in much the same way as the matching peacock blue facinator was the week before. I'm off to back a winner.


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