Welcome to the ramblings of a pre-published saga writer

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Yahay!!! The wip has gone off for appraisal - but only by the skin of my teeth, I hasten to add. My only hope is that, as I made a last-dash attempt to finish it, the story didn't suffer. As I said earlier I only intended to have a quick scan to see if I'd dotted the i's and crossed the 't's, as you do, and then the middle bit sat there like misery at a birthdy party - totally out of place - and I knew I had to get rid of it!

I began to cut and shape, chop and change. The story started taking a completely different path altogether.
 I worried that I had bitten off more than I could possibly digest in the short space of time I had left. Would I get it done in time? But I did. For better or worse.

It's in the lap of the God (the reader) now and there's nothing I can do about it for the time being.

So what to do now?
Well, there's no point in walking the floor wringing my hands whilst waiting, impatiently, for the esteemed to enlighten me with their expert words of wisdom - I'll just lose myself in a bit of research for the next one.

But, before I could even entertain the idea of starting a new story I had to tidy away the research for the last one. And what a lot of research there was! Boxes of books - I could open a library! But I justify the expense by telling Him Indoors that they will be needed for another book. He's a tolerant soul, though, and only has little moans when he can't find a seat because there is a six feet stack of history books tottering on it.

But would I change it? Never. The only problem I have now is which story I should write next. There are at least three vying for attention at the mo. All different. I have written the outlines of all and will give myself a couple of days off to see which one plays on my mind. But then... No, I must have a few days off and show my family a bit of TLC and catch up with the 21st century. Watch this space...

A smile a day keeps tears at bay... 

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